Stephen Renecle & Associates specialises in the field of organisational diagnostics, whereby the culture, climate and dynamics impacting an organisation are assessed. It is often difficult to distinguish between the concepts of organisational climate and culture, however, SRA has a sound theoretical basis for doing so and this is reflected in the assessment procedures applied. In order to measure these concepts within an organisation, a combination of quantitative measurement through survey methodology and qualitative information-gathering through interviews and focus groups, are undertaken. This provides a rich source of data from which SRA may construct a theoretical and visual model of the dynamics at play in the individual organisation.
Organisational culture and climate affect all areas of an organisation's functioning, thus determining change readiness and the capacity to innovate in times of competitive need. Hence, organisational culture and climate impact on any organisational initiative, often determining success or failure.
Accordingly, it is the understanding of the culture and climate dynamics operating within a company that indicate problem areas within the organisation and how these should be addressed to encourage change readiness, optimum effectiveness and competitiveness. The range of constructs measured within organisational culture and climate are extensive and diverse, and SRA consults closely with the client organisation prior to embarking on such an exercise to determine their specific needs.
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